Saturday, October 21, 2006

myspace banned: a curse into a blessing

The popular website, MySpace, was recently (and by recent, I mean last night sometime) banned on the TACF, my home church for now, server. At first I was a bit perturbed that my favourite website was banned but when I really thought about it, it came out as a blessing.

See, MySpace is so annoyingly addictive that I privately call it I could be on that thing for hours upon hours on end. And that's why I'm sort of glad it's been banned.

I'm currently enrolled in the School of Ministry here at TACF and most of our focus should be on God and on interacting with others. That said, it's sufficed to say, I haven't been doing a lot of either. Most of my time is spent on MySpace, I'm embarrassed to say, and I'm not proud of it either. I didn't realize how much time I had spent on that stupid website until I couldn't go on anymore. I thank God for intervening and putting a stop to it. It had to be Him, because He hates it when we put other stuff before Him and put our focus elsewhere and not on Him.

So...that's how I see it. While others may be annoyed by the MySpace bannage, I prefer to see it as a curse turned into a blessing in disguise.

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