As a child, I always had a thing for the people who were classified as "unlovable", "beyond redemption", "lost cause". So I guess it's not really a big surprise when back in 2006 God revealed my destiny for me (actually it was back in 2005, but that's a slight technicality).
And isn't that what Jesus wants us to do? Go to the lost and the unlovables and just love on them? After all, that's what He did. He didn't sit with with Herod and Pilate and the high priests and shared laughs over the finest meats and breads. No, He went and sat with the lepers, the prostitutes, and the demonic oppressed and shared His bread and fish with them. And He just loved them where they were and for who they were. And yeah, it was probably messy. After all, the crowd He was rolling with all were some of the uncoolest people you'd ever pick to hang with: tax collectors, fishermen (which I suspect were on the lowest rung of society's food chain back then), and whoever else.
So, yeah. Jesus, who should be our role model, put a huge emphasis on going where the unlovables are and loving them where they are at. Shouldn't we do the same? And yes, it will be hard. "Hard?" I can hear you say. "I love the lost. I'm all for loving the lost." Oh, really. I am sure that it is good in theory, but in actual practice it is, well, uncomfy. Trust me, I know. I have had issues this week.
I am sure that you all are familiar with the Jaycee Dugard case. If not, I shall recap it for you. In 1991, 11-year-old Jaycee Dugard was abducted by Phillip Garrido (the guy in the picture) and only now she has been found, alive, and with two daughters (ages 15 & 11) - fathered by Garrido. For those who do not know, Garrido is a known sex offender.
Do you see where I'm going with this? Yeah, loving the unlovables is easier said than done because who could love people who rape little kids and then kills them? Such as John Couey, who kidnapped little Jessica Lunsford and then killed her.
I remember having an awesome prayer sesh in my bedroom one night. It was awesome! I was in the zone, Holy Spirit showed up and I had a great time praying for Jaycee and her two daughters. Then God brought an image of Garrido to my mind. And He said, "Pray for him." And I was like, "No way. He raped a little girl and who knows what else. He doesn't deserve it." And God was all, "You're right; he doesn't. But then, neither did you." If I were a chicken, my feathers would be all unruffled by that. I mean, what do you say to that? Well, as it turned out, nothing. So I grudgingly accepted what God was asking of me. Turns out it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. It took me about five minutes to start praying for this guy. My flesh did not want to pray for him. My spirit did; the words were there. My tongue just did not want to utter them. And could you blame my sin-polluted flesh? I mean, here is a guy who kidnapped and then raped an innocent girl. That's huge..to our society. But to God? God loves Garrido just as much as he loves you and me. And as much as some people will hate to hear this, Garrido is just as much a victim as Jaycee or Jessica. Why? Well, it's not like toddlers say, "Mommy, when I grow up, I want to kill and rape people." No, it's most likely that the spirit of perversiveness had been brought upon them by other people.
So if God gives you a heart for the lost, get ready. Because I'm the kind of girl who feels bad for sex offenders, serial killers, and Scott Peterson.
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