Sunday, November 03, 2013

Day 3: Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome.

Me on Christmas morning

Okay, another post! So far, I'm sticking to the challenge. But it IS only the third day. Pray that it continues. LOL! Here we go!

Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome.

There has been LOTS of these moments. LOTS of them.

The ministry school I was a part of back in 2006 is under the branch of its church, Catch the Fire Toronto. Throughout the year, Catch the Fire Toronto has conferences, schools, and other fun stuff for people to come and take part in. Being single, having no significant other, having NO familial responsibilities, allows me to take in a few conferences here and there without feeling guilty. I don't have anything to tie me down. 

Same goes for when I buy tickets online to go to various concerts in Toronto or just having a wee visit in the city. Being single ALLOWS me to do all that without feeling like I'm neglecting my boyfriend or family [since I have neither]. Being single allows me to bob along the pathway of independence, stopping here and there to smell the roses, go at my own pace, take some time to really learn who I am and, of course, to cultivate an intimate relationship with my Daddy God so that I CAN have the BEST relationship possible with my Prince Charming when the time comes, since I will know who I am and what I stand for.

Now don't get me wrong: I think having families and/or significant others are an EQUALLY amazing adventures. But it's a new dynamic. You aren't just thinking of yourself anymore. You have other people to think of, not to mention little humans who depend on you for everything. Which is why I'm starting to cherish my singlehood. It gives me time to be selfish, and hopefully, when the day Prince Charming arrives in my life, I will be able to give myself selflessly to him AND to our future [whether it includes little humans or not].

Stay tuned for tomorrow! I can't wait to see what my heart says next. Here's what the challenger of this 30-day blogging challenge had to say about HER Day 3.

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