I recently got this unique picture in my head of Jesus and us. I love to stir the pot, so this made me especially happy in regard to those people who think Christmas trees are pagan. And they would be right. But I don't want to talk about that. I'd rather talk about my picture. Because it's cool.
So I had this image of a gloriously decorated Christmas tree. It was so beautiful and crisp. The colors were outstanding and it was so mesmerizing. It was unlike any Christmas tree I have ever seen before. It was brightly lit and so inviting.
Underneath the tree, there were all these beautifully wrapped presents. Big ones, small ones, fat ones, skinny ones, all shapes and sizes the presents were. And each and every one of them were wrapped with such care and love. You could tell.
Now, from what I got from it, it was like Jesus is that beautifully decorated tree. He's so beautiful and awesome and there are no descriptive words in all the world to fully describe Jesus Christ. He's that amazing! When you look at a Christmas tree, you just have to smile because to me, personally, it represents love, giving, and wonder. Just to name a few.
And the beautiful presents that were wrapped with such care and love? That's us. We are all beautiful. We all have something to offer the world. We all come in different shapes and sizes, but we all are a gift unto the world...just like Jesus was the gift unto us. And I believe that the presents lying underneath the tree represented us lying beneath Jesus. When we take the time to lie in His presence, we also get a bit of His wonderful, beautiful majesty.
Have you ever noticed that when a tree isn't lit, it's not as pretty as it is when it's lit up? Even the presents don't look as nice! We are called to be the light of the world. How can we be the light if we are never turned on? If our Light, who is Jesus, doesn't shine through us by our own flesh, then it's like we are just like everybody else, basically [and everybody else is beautiful too by the way].
So let your light shine! Be reminded of Jesus and how, when we get into His presence we also shine a bit more brighter, when you spot a Christmas tree!
I don't know about you, but I'm taking back the Christmas tree from those pagans.
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