Last month, I was at a conference in Toronto. And it was amazing. I was so blessed by the speakers and the worship there. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. What I wanted to talk about is something somebody said during a worship. She was talking about this verse in Isaiah that's about the stars in the sky and how God knows each and every one of those stars by name. Then she was saying if God cares that much about the stars, then how much more He cares about us. It was pretty sweet.
What she said has stuck with me all this week and when I was at worship practice for my church on Wednesday, one of the songs we had was "Indescribable". A beautiful song in itself but what really got to me and stayed with me all day today [yesterday?] was the line, "you placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name...you are amazing God."
God knows who we are. He calls us out, one by one, every single day. Not only that, but he calls out the names of billions of stars every single day. And if He does all that for stars, imagine how much more He cares for us. It's really mind-boggling because there are billions of stars and there are billions of people. If I decided to try to call out the names of every single person on the earth and every single star, I'd be in heaven before I even counted a quarter of them all.
"Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of His great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing." - Isaiah 40:26
And with that, it just hit me: He loves me with an everlasting love and He will not let me go. He cherishes me, He adores me. Ha ha! He loves me! He really, really loves me.
And He loves you too. He calls out your name every single day. We are so beautiful and precious to Him.
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