Be at rest, oh my soul/for the Lord, He is good/He is good/He is good/He is good
For the past week, I've been sensing that God has been wanting me to rest in Him. Which is good but unfortunately I haven't really taken the time to do it. To just...rest. Shut myself out from the world, and all its fleshy desires, and find my secret place with Him. I don't know if you've noticed, but there are a lot of distractions: computer/Facebook/Twitter, iPod [1600 songs and counting], television, friends, family, work...the list goes on and on. Not that there's anything the matter with those things but sometimes they all just get in the way.
What God has been saying is that I need to discipline myself by putting away my computer, my iPod, my tv time, and just really close myself off from the world, no distractions, and just take the time to just find myself in Him and commune with Him.
Think of yourself as a rechargeable battery. When that battery needs to be charged back up in order to work, what do you do? You plug it back in. Same with us. In order to be charged and ready to go, we, too, need to be 'plugged back in' to God otherwise we wouldn't be able to do whatever it is that God wants us to do. When you see batteries recharging, you don't use them, right? You wait until they are fully recharged before you can use them. While they are recharging, what are they doing? They're resting, aren't they?
I'm totally speaking to myself right now. Ha ha! Seriously, though, resting in God is a great way to recharge and to hear from Him and see what He's speaking about you and your life.
Happy Resting!!
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