Friday, January 28, 2011

faithful friday: be at rest

Be at rest, oh my soul/for the Lord, He is good/He is good/He is good/He is good

For the past week, I've been sensing that God has been wanting me to rest in Him. Which is good but unfortunately I haven't really taken the time to do it. To Shut myself out from the world, and all its fleshy desires, and find my secret place with Him. I don't know if you've noticed, but there are a lot of distractions: computer/Facebook/Twitter, iPod [1600 songs and counting], television, friends, family, work...the list goes on and on. Not that there's anything the matter with those things but sometimes they all just get in the way.

What God has been saying is that I need to discipline myself by putting away my computer, my iPod, my tv time, and just really close myself off from the world, no distractions, and just take the time to just find myself in Him and commune with Him.

Think of yourself as a rechargeable battery. When that battery needs to be charged back up in order to work, what do you do? You plug it back in. Same with us. In order to be charged and ready to go, we, too, need to be 'plugged back in' to God otherwise we wouldn't be able to do whatever it is that God wants us to do. When you see batteries recharging, you don't use them, right? You wait until they are fully recharged before you can use them. While they are recharging, what are they doing? They're resting, aren't they?

I'm totally speaking to myself right now. Ha ha! Seriously, though, resting in God is a great way to recharge and to hear from Him and see what He's speaking about you and your life.

Happy Resting!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

open letter to playboy bunnies and playmates

Hello Ladies,

You don't know me and I don't know you. If we had to pick each other out of a police lineup, we wouldn't be able to to save our life. But I've got something to say, so listen up!

You're so beautiful. I'm not talking 'bout the beauty that you can buy to keep your face wrinkle-free, to keep your chest perky and big [how do you buy shirts?], to keep your blonde hair blonder, to keep your stomach free of any kind of fat, etc., etc. I'm talking 'bout true beauty, where no amount of money can make you more beautiful than you already are. Because it's true beauty. It's your heart, it's your soul, and in some instances, it's your mind.

You were made for so much more than just sexual objects! Don't you see the potential that's inside of you? Don't tell me that when you were a kid, you told your mom that you wanted to grow up and become sex-personified. You girls have so much potential, can't you see that? You can do whatever you put your mind and heart to. Ladies, you can do so much better than this; you can be so much better than just a "sex toy" for fat, balding, pervy old men when they read that filthy magazine.

You have so much to give; don't let this be the end for you. If you want to be an actress, fine; but there are other ways to break into the business than this route. Why, you can be a producer, writer, even a director. You could even win awards. Heck, you could even be a role model.

Point is, you were made for so much more than this. You were not made to be known as sex objects. You were not made to be looked at like you are a piece of meat. You were not made to have your lady parts - and yes, I did say "lady parts" - be public property.

I have news for you: that "lifestyle" that you enjoy so much, living with a harem of women in an old man's house? Yeah, it isn't healthy for you. At all. It's disgusting. Oh, I'm sure he treats you all with the utmost respect and takes care of you, but honestly? The way I see it is that you're all a bunch of high-tech hookers and prostitutes. I mean, really, let me guess: you all have slept with him more than once. Don't be going degrading yourselves like that.

You deserve more. You deserve all the honour and respect that there is in this world. You deserve to be treated with respect, and not like a piece of meat. You deserve to be known for more than your lady parts and body.

You are beautiful. Don't ever forget that.

Friday, January 21, 2011

colombo, sri lanka

Sri Lanka is having a flood of their own. For those that don't know, Sri Lanka is a small island located below the country of India.
So if we could pray for them, that would be wonderful. I know that the UN has made a $51 million appeal for help.

faithful friday: forgiveness [part two]

Remember my post from last Friday? I can honestly say that I have forgiven Caleb*. I was having time to myself this past week in the bath, which has been known to be my God-time, and I just decided to forgive him. I was tired of holding on to this hurt. I didn't want this pain any longer. So I forgave him. I expected tears. It didn't happen. I expected to be totally overcome by the Holy Spirit. It didn't happen. I expected some momentous occasion to mark this turning point in my life...and it didn't happen. What did happen, though, was this genuine love that came into my heart and spirit for Caleb.

Letting go of the hurt and pain that somebody has caused you, intentionally and unintentionally, doesn't have to be this huge occasion with God as I had found out. It can, for some people, but for others it's short, sweet, and right to the point. Forgiving someone can be as simple as surrendering to God and say, "Okay, Lord, I'm done with this. I want to forgive." That is completely okay. It doesn't have to be this huge shindig complete with tears, wails, kleenex boxes by the dozen, and people around you holding your hand and praying for you like I had thought.

It's about you, and how you roll. For me, I don't like to be the center of attention all that much so maybe that's why this whole act of forgiveness thing was just a tender moment that I had with God.

I feel good about this, I really do. I released him from any ill feelings I had toward him that may have hindered him, in some way, during his walk with God. I repented of that. Here's what I think: I think that when a person holds someone in contempt/unforgiveness/grudge/whatever, they are holding them back from everything that God has for them. I don't know how it all works yet but it's what God has dropped into my spirit this week.

From the words of Louie Giglio on

"If you're not speaking God's best over your life each day in 2011, who is? Don't be afraid to preach truth to yourself!"

That's good advice, and it works in forgiveness too. In order to keep the love flowing, it really helps to speak life over the other person and not speak death.

*Not his real name, and yes, he WILL remain nameless!

Monday, January 17, 2011

lundi linkage: misc

*Lundi is french for Monday.

This is yet another special section! Every Monday, I'm hoping to have a variety of links that I like to look at and follow. Could be videos from YouTube, or a blog I read, or something else entirely. Enjoy!

Music: One of my favourite songs at the moment is "One Thing Remains" by Jesus Culture, a ministry of Bill Johnson. Check it out, here [it's a link because I have no clue how to add videos to this]. As a matter of fact, all of Jesus Culture's music is fantastic. I highly recommend them.

Television: Did anyone watch the Golden Globes? I didn't watch them, but I know who won for Glee, and really, that's all that matters for me [though it would've been nice to hear that Hugh Laurie had won as well]. Jane Lynch won for her portrayal of gym teacher/Cheerios coach Sue Sylvester, my most favourite character on that show, and Chris Colfer won for his portrayal of openly gay student, Kurt Hummel [Chris is openly gay himself]. Kurt is another one of my faves. You can watch his acceptance speech, here. It moved me to tears.

The main reason why I love this show so much is because it's extremely diversive. It has Asian Americans who are bucking against the stigma of stereotype. It has a gorgeous African American young woman who is not a size zero. It has a strong, openly gay character. And last, but certainly not least, it has a young lady who has Down Syndrome that has made her way onto the Cheerios [cheerleading squad].

Addictions: Thanks, Twitter, for giving me an addiction I didn't really need in the first place. Fan-freakin'-tastic. Also, I love Facebook.

That's all folks [for now]! I'll try my best to keep this feature up.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

happy 2011!

Happy 2011, everyone!

Well, it's January 15th, still in the first part of the new year. Wow, a lot has happened since it started: Arizona shooting, Australia's flood, Brasil's flood, I'm hearing about another flood over in Sri Lanka... Pretty crazy stuff. I feel bad for the people in those areas though.

Before, I head toward a depression let's move on! A new year means a new beginning. I am so excited about this upcoming year. It feels like a clean, new slate. I'm looking forward to growing closer to God than ever before, I'm looking forward to the direction that God is going to take my church in... The list goes on and on. I'm just so excited about what's coming, spiritually speaking, of course.

My hopes for 2011 is that I want to know more about the world around me. I want to create new friendships, while renewing old ones, I want to go places with people, I want to have fun and laugh, I want nothing to hold me back from the things of God, I want to grow closer than ever to my Daddy God, I want to see things I have never seen before, I want to do crazy and exciting things.

Guys, it's time to take us back from the enemy and rise up as the warriors that we were called to be!

Happy new year!!

(Like the dog in the picture? His name is Boo. Like him. Love him. Resistance is futile)


Meet Jordan Rice. Son. Brother. Friend. Cute. Thirteen. Australian. Brave. Hero. That last word usually isn't used in the same description as a normal thirteen year-old boy, but then Jordan isn't your average boy. Or rather, he wasn't. He tragically died this week during the flood in Australia when he and his mother were swept away by the strong current in the middle of a rescue mission to save him, his mother, and his ten year-old brother, Blake.

Let me start in the beginning. He, his mother, Donna, and Blake were in the car to go shopping for school. The car stalled in the middle of the street in relatively shallow water. Within seconds, I'm guessing, the water rose considerably and kept rising therefore making the family climb atop their car. Two people went to rescue them. During this mission of mercy, they went for Jordan first. Jordan didn't want to go because he wanted them to rescue Donna and Blake first. Did I mention that Jordan couldn't swim and that he was terrified of water? Yeah. So, they grabbed Blake first. Blake was saved. Unfortunately, the rope that the rescuers used on Jordan tore and that's when he and Donna were swept away.

What gets to me is Jordan's courageous spirit and boldness. I mean, you have to be bold if you were in the midst of a flood, couldn't swim and had a fear of water - a bad combination by the way, and still wanted your mother and brother to be rescued first. I want that. I want that kind of boldness that says, 'yeah, I'm in this absolutely terrifying situation but I still want everybody to go before me'. Can you imagine the complete terror he must have felt on top of the car? He probably was close to having a complete meltdown! I know I would've been.
We can learn from this. I'm twenty seven, and I am in awe of this thirteen year-old boy. That he would stay in an enviroment that he was petrified of just so his brother could be rescued first? That is astounding. Remarkable, even.

Daddy God, I want that boldness. I want that courageous spirit. Jordan was absolutely terrified in that situation, but he still was selfless enough to let his mom and brother go ahead of him. I want that, putting other people first before me. I want that faith that Jordan had in those rescuers even though the outcome was tragic. Thank you so much for Jordan and his mom and brother. Thank you so much for his dad and other brothers who are no doubt proud of this young boy who did this extraordinary act. I ask that you keep watch over Jordan's family as they're mourning the loss of their brother, wife, and mom. I ask that you be with Blake, especially, in case he feels shame and/or guilt over what his brother did. Amen.

When I grow up, I want to be just like Jordan Rice.

If you wish to leave a message about Jordan or say something to the family, and I'm not too sure if it''s even sanctioned by them but whatever, please click here.

Friday, January 14, 2011

rio de janeiro, brasil

Apparently, Brasil* is having their own floody situation. So in the same manner as Brisbane, I'd like to ask you all to keep this country in your prayers too. I have a friend down there as well, and thankfully she's nowhere near the floods, but she's with friends. And if they're important to her, then they're important to me. Brasil has a School Of Ministry with Catch the Fire [which has the main one in Toronto], so if you could please pray for this country and everyone in it, that would be fantastic.

Thank you.

*This is how you really spell Brazil

faithful friday: forgiveness

Okay, so my wish is to start blogging more regularly and in order to do that, I have decided to devote certain days to specific topics. I'm hoping it'll make me more disciplined. Anyway on Fridays I'm hoping to talk about my faith in God and where He's taking me [sort of like what I blogged about last Friday].

What I want to talk about today is forgiveness. Not sure where this is going to go but that's okay.

So God has been speaking to me a lot about forgiving this person who has hurt me in the past. Now, I'm sure it wasn't intentional because if you were to meet them, you would see that they* had no mean bone in their body. But they still hurt me. Deeply. And I thought I had forgiven them, but as it turned out I had only forgiven them in my mind and not where it really mattered: my heart. In my mind, I have forgiven them but there was no depth to my prayer; I was just saying words. It would be a totally different thing if I had just forgiven from my heart because that's where my hurts are, where the pain still is. Because that's where the words will have depth; that's where true forgiveness comes from. It is borne out of the hurt and the pain that has happened within a person's heart.

I know this because recently, every single time they have come up in conversation, I have wanted to kill them. Or, at the very least, kicked their butt all the way to China and back. Not of the good. It's not healthy when every time you picture your heart, all you see is a big steel door with a padlock on it.

I could go into detail as to how they have hurt me, but I won't. Because then you'd want to kick their butt all the way to China and back and despite the hurts and unforgiveness I've locked up, they are really, very cool and I love them greatly.

Yeah, so, forgiveness. I'm going to be honest and lay it all out: I haven't forgiven them. Not by a long shot. God wants me to, I know that for sure, because He wants me to walk in freedom and let nothing hold me back. Besides, He has been bringing this up over and over again, so He obviously wants me to deal with it.

Every time it came up, I'm like, "No," and do something else instead. Like, "I'm not listening to You right now, blah, blah, blah."

Oh, you poor child. After many, many moments like these, God pulls out a whammy and hits me with a hammer that seems like 150lbs. Yay. He says to me, "How can you pour yourself into helping with the teens at church when you, yourself, aren't free and are held back by unforgiveness?" He just has to have the last word, doesn't He?

So, I've been thinking about it. And it's true because how can I expect to give what I have away to the teens when I can't even do something as simple as forgiving someone? So...I am on a journey right now where the destination is forgiveness. I honestly can't say I'm there yet, but I'm close. Really close.

"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits.." - Ephesians 6:12 [NLT]

I believe that holding unforgiveness in your heart towards someone is basically fighting against them, and we aren't supposed to fight against humans; we're supposed to fight the wiles of the enemy with each other.

I'm human; I struggle with it sometimes but lucky for me, I have this amazing God who gives me grace abundantly every morning. I'm going to take this next week to really find it in my heart to forgive...even if it hurts.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

brisbane, queensland, australia

This will be a little short and sweet post regarding the recent "inland tsunami" that has happened in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia right now.

It's absolutely terrible what's been happening - families torn apart, people missing, people dying - and I feel compelled to help in some small way [if I had my way, I'd be on a plane right about now].

That said, if you want to know more, and if you feel led to donate some money, here is the site right here.

As always, prayers are never turned down. This is close to my heart as one of the people I went to the School of Ministry with in Toronto lives there. His name is Brett.

Thank you.

Friday, January 07, 2011

who can comprehend?

Last month, I was at a conference in Toronto. And it was amazing. I was so blessed by the speakers and the worship there. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. What I wanted to talk about is something somebody said during a worship. She was talking about this verse in Isaiah that's about the stars in the sky and how God knows each and every one of those stars by name. Then she was saying if God cares that much about the stars, then how much more He cares about us. It was pretty sweet.

What she said has stuck with me all this week and when I was at worship practice for my church on Wednesday, one of the songs we had was "Indescribable". A beautiful song in itself but what really got to me and stayed with me all day today [yesterday?] was the line, "you placed the stars in the sky and you know them by are amazing God."

God knows who we are. He calls us out, one by one, every single day. Not only that, but he calls out the names of billions of stars every single day. And if He does all that for stars, imagine how much more He cares for us. It's really mind-boggling because there are billions of stars and there are billions of people. If I decided to try to call out the names of every single person on the earth and every single star, I'd be in heaven before I even counted a quarter of them all.

"Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of His great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing." - Isaiah 40:26
He knows who we are. Even with the most extreme, fundamentalist Muslim, He stills calls out their name, day after day after day. AAH! He knows us! He sees us and He hears us. We are not invisible to Him, we are not just here because of whatever. He really sees us and He really knows us. Every day He calls out, "Mandie, My favourite one. Sarah, My favourite one. Bob, My favourite one. Jeff, My favourite one. Justin, My favourite one..." And so on and so on.
And with that, it just hit me: He loves me with an everlasting love and He will not let me go. He cherishes me, He adores me. Ha ha! He loves me! He really, really loves me.
And He loves you too. He calls out your name every single day. We are so beautiful and precious to Him.