Saturday, November 02, 2013

The Single Woman's 30-Day Blogging Challenge - Day 1

So since it's been WAY too long since my last entry, I decided to challenge myself. A few months back, I picked up a copy of what is quickly becoming one of my favourite books, "The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass". Okay, admission time. I originally bought this book because of the author's name, MANDY. Then I read the title. It sounded pretty cool because honestly? Sometimes I hate Facebook with the constant updates of my friends who are either a) getting into a relationship, b) getting engaged, or c) wedding photos [I love you all]. I look at everyone falling in love, making plans for the future, and I just think, "What about ME? Where is MY Prince Charming?"

But then God puts things in perspective for me. He gives me little signs saying that I haven't been overlooked, that He does have someone in mind for me, and that my prince WILL come.

This book, this self-help book on singlehood that is written by this radical woman, shows you that, even though you WANT love, being single is not a curse but rather this awesomely fantastic adventure just WAITING for you to explore it.

That said, on the first of October, or close to the beginning of October, she had issued a fun challenge on her blog to ask a question EVERY DAY for 30 days on your blog. Challenge accepted. I'm going to do my best to answer the questions HONESTLY as each day comes. I'm going to try to do this every day of November [yes, I'm well aware that it's technically the 2nd, but I won't count it].

Okay, let's begin!!

Your response to everyone’s favorite question: “And why are YOU still single?”

Thankfully, I can count on one hand how many times people have asked me this. I forget what my answer was, but I'm proud to say that I definitely know what to say next time, if there's a next time, I'm asked. The answer is this: I'm still single not because something is terribly wrong with me, but that I'm still immature in some ways. How can I enter into something so sacred, and so mature, if I'm immature? I'm nowhere NEAR ready for a relationship right now.

Another reason is that God still has some work to do inside me and through me. How can I enter into a relationship when I'm constantly wondering who I am?  Am I this Mandie, am I THAT Mandie? I never had a boyfriend, I have never been out on a date, and I have never been kissed. I believe that God is saving me from a whole lot of heartbreak by not sending Prince Charming my way. If I want to enter into a relationship, I should know how to BE in a relationship. The only way to learn how to be the PERFECT significant other for someone, in my opinion, is to spend time with the Father of all fathers so that HE can tell you who you are and what you're about. Relationships are all about intimacy and trust.

So that's why I'm still single. I'm not ready for a relationship. I am too immature for one right now. I NEED to cultivate my relationship with God FIRST before I can even contemplate entering into a relationship with someone.


Mom said...

Mandie I loved your post. It made me cry. You are so mature about this and I love how you answered the question. God does have someone very special for you and I have been praying all the time that you two will meet. Ilove you so much.

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, Mandie. You've really got your priorities in the right order.
Aunt Alice